I don’t share information about myself
When I’m asked to send my passport data – or a scan of it – by email or via a messenger (for example, to book tickets), I always refuse to do so. This is a sign that the requester’s procedures for handling and storing personal data are a mess. You can share your passport information only if you trust the service completely and understand how it will be used. It’s also important to make sure that the service uses a protected connection.
If an app requests access to personal data that is not part of its function, I simply uninstall it. Once, I had to get rid of a smartphone in which an undeletable default weather app started requesting access to my phone calls.
I install only the most necessary apps, in order to minimize collection of personal data: popular services almost always have a web version.
In order to avoid someone spying on me through the websites I visit, I’ve turned on data collection protection in my antivirus software.