«We wanted people around us to believe
in these children and in the fact
that there is nothing impossible
for them either. They just need support»
Anastasiya Marentsova
Moscow office employee
Climbing a mountain to
help children
Anastasiya Marentsova, a Kaspersky Moscow office employee, participates in all the corporate volunteer initiatives: donates blood, visits the orphanage in Udomlya, and helps handicapped children. And in the fall of 2018, she took part in the Athlete for Good project to support children with Down syndrome.
“Athletes for Good” are people who train for a certain personal athletic record (most commonly a marathon, but could be anything) and decide to dedicate it to “sunny children”. A fundraising page appears on the project’s site and the athlete, besides an athletic goal, sets a financial one for him/herself. Nastia, as her athletic goal, chose to do the Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal: a trekking route that takes many days, its highest point being the Thorung La pass with an elevation of 5,416 meters above sea level. It was easy to pick a financial goal: 10 rubles for each meter going up.
From October 19th to November 3rd, Nastia and her friend walked more than 100 kilometers around the Himalayas and collected the necessary amount which will now go to program supporting school children with Down syndrome aged 7-16.
“It was our second trip to Nepal. The year before that, we had walked the trekking route to Everest Base Camp. Back then, nobody believed in us: neither our families, nor our friends or colleagues. Everybody told us we wouldn’t make it: that for two girls without guides and bearers it was impossible. But we managed, and that trip convinced us that there was nothing impossible. That’s why we dedicated our new route to children with Down syndrome: we wanted people around us to believe in these children and in the fact that there is nothing impossible for them either. They just need support.”