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10 training courses
that your management should provide
for you today!

Unless you're a Kaspersky
employee (in which case you already have the option to sign up to them)
on education

10 training courses
that your management should provide
for you today!

Unless you're a Kaspersky
employee (in which case you already have the option to sign up to them)

Kaspersky offers many opportunities for professional skills and expertise development — hard skills (we call them Job specific training programs). Employees of our company take advantage of this on a regular basis. However, professionals, who also mastered soft skills, rapidly ascend the career ladder and — what may be even more important — successfully find balance between work and private life. As a rule, certain companies invest in the development of these skills among their top employees. In our case, Kaspersky offers such programs to every employee. Last year alone more than a third of the company's staff participated in these programs. Starting to feel envious, right? Then you should demand something similar from your superiors — or at least send in your resume. Here's what you can learn if you are an employee of Kaspersky.

what can you learn 1

Develop EQ without the help of
Tony Robbins


“Emotional Intelligence in Business”

Since psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence and demonstrated the link between EQ and business success, this topic is still high up on the list of corporate training. Emotional intelligence needs to be developed in order to become more aware of your own emotions, this in turn leads to learning to control them. Believe it or not, this helps to better understand other people and simplifies teamwork. And if our IQ is for the most part given, your EQ level, however, can be increased throughout your life. This can be done by using simple tools and corporate course techniques. And you can save your money instead of going to those Tony Robbins lectures!

what can you learn 2

Come up with cool ideas
and bring them to life



“Design-thinking” unravels a creative approach to solving any problems, as well as opens a way to create new products and services for people. This approach is so popular because it gives a clear sequence of what needs to be done. These are the six simple steps: empathy, focus, idea generation, idea choice, prototype and testing, other two approaches are divergence and convergence. The first approach deals with expanding your point of view as much as possible so that you can consider all viable options. The second one focuses on narrowing down and condensing views in order to select, verify and refine the priority idea. This course helps to master this simple method and turn it into a practical everyday tool for solving any problems: you can apply this in whatever area of interest, whether it be a need to develop a cool product or choose a school for your kid.

what can you learn 3

Master the Zen of an empty
to-do list


“Personal Effectiveness”

You can spend your whole life struggling, trying to discern urgent and important tasks or you can choose to work productively. Imagine your personal effectiveness as a path of a super hero who's on a mission. The hero needs to save the world, the employee needs to solve top priority tasks. On this mission you are facing a bunch of obstacles along the way — routine work, constant flow of letters, numerous questions from your colleagues, procrastination and all sorts of fears. Are you getting the point now? You need a superpower that can help you finish your work and keep a clear head. By enrolling in a course like this you are doomed to achieve this much needed Zen Mastery.

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“Young managers school”

In this course employees learn to set tasks, delegate, choose leadership styles depending on the employee’s personal characteristics, motivate their team. Generally speaking, this is the what one would call a “management boot camp”. This is especially useful to those who've recently rose up to a management position

what can you learn 5

Get inspired


Kasperskys often invites surprise speakers to talk about different things. For instance, astrophysicist Sergey Popov spoke to employees about Dark Matter, popular presenter Adis Mammo talked about humor in public speeches, and Olga Marquez, creator of the school of extreme fitness #sekta, spoke about motivation in sports. You may ask: how is this related to to the company's business? The answer is simple: For inspiration. Finding interest in the world around us is an essential skill that inspires us to do other things.

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“Project management”

This course helps to more effectively launch, lead and complete projects. Working in an ideal environment is one thing, the training in these courses takes into account the real everyday working conditions that include a high level of stress and uncertainty, risk and anxiety.

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“Corporate School Facilitation”

Sometimes you just want to get the job done all by yourself, but once you do it the results turn out to be not quite what you expected. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? The outsider effect on human activity was studied in the 1920s, and based on the results of a number of different experiments psychologists came to the same conclusion that working in a group is a force in itself, but once the complexity of any given task increases the group's dynamics start to create problems. This conclusion was backed by the psychologists findings on how cockroaches operate. In the 1960s, Robert B. Zajonc, while studying the success factors of team work, made cockroaches run into a maze that led to a dark box while they were escaping light. He found out that the coackroaches that had an audience of other coackroaches completed the maze more quickly, but as the maze became more complicated they would start having problems. Similar results were found in humans, meaning that in the presence of colleagues, we can start to work better or worse. So facilitation deals with increasing the speed and productivity of a person’s work in a group, and also strengthening the benefits of joint activities and reducing the negative factors of group dynamics. This course at Kaspersky is attended by company coaches, as well as managers who hold regular meetings.

what can you learn 8

Get to the point!


“Effective communication”

This course deals with traps of interpersonal relations and provides tools for clear and precise communication. At the end of the course, participants learn to set tasks to their colleagues, use simple words to talk about complex product features, and instead of sending a letter that reads “... after careful examination, we will notify you on the results...” less intense phrases will be used like “thank you for the offer, I'll think it over and let you know tomorrow.”

what can you learn 9

the audience


“Public speaking”

Did you know that the fear of public speaking for most people can be compared to the fear of death? It may seem paradoxical, but this can be explained by the reaction of our reticular activating system or reticular formation (also called the “reptilian” part of the brain). Crucial to our survival, this ancient system has three reactions to any danger signal — fight, run or stand still. Though critical in case of real danger, this system in peaceful times can often slows us down even when there's no danger. For example, many become numb or experience panic attacks if they find themselves communicating with a large audience. Special techniques, scenarios and simple exercises can help to outsmart the “reptilian brain”, making it easier to address your audience. This Kaspersky course consists of two parts. First, the employees learn the basics, like preparing for a speech, letting go of fear, choosing their own style, communicating thoughts and ideas to the audience and being expressive. At the second stage of the program they improve their skills. As a result, the employees are able to deliver outstanding speeches, capture and hold peoples attention, make a good impression and answer the toughest questions.

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“Financial solutions for non-financial managers”

Employees of the financial department are not the only ones who should be able to budget projects and plan expenses. As it happens so very often ROI, ROA, ROE, EBITDA, P & L and BS are more likely to scare off rather than encourage communication with financial experts. Fortunately, with the mentioned courses these fears can be overcome. The course participants become aware of the main indicators in game form, learn to understand financial statements and how exactly their project or division works to achieve the main business goals of the company.

Special format +

Kaspersky Eco-Set

In order for soft skills training programs to be effective, they are conducted in the Eco-Set format. It implies a short course on a relevant topic and its most vital aspects. These programs combine individual and group sessions with coaches and mentors, e-courses and webinars, business games, case studies, work meetings, etc. Courses are conducted by company/invited experts.

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